The Most Difficult Mission

Read Ezekiel 1:1 through 3:27

When Nancy received Christ and was freed from sin, she joyfully announced to family and friends, “You need Jesus! He delivered me from alcoholism! He can help you too. Just repent and believe in Him.”

Few were impressed. Everyone thought she’d gone nuts, especially her mother. “Nancy Elaine,” Mom growled. “I’m the one who took you to church! Why do I need to hear about this repentance garbage?”

“Whoever will listen let them listen, and whoever will refuse let them refuse; for they are a rebellious people” (Ezekiel 3:27).

Ezekiel also gave a message of repentance to those closest to him when God called him to speak to Israel. But before Ezekiel went to them, the Lord warned that only a few would listen. Nevertheless, he was to speak God’s words for the sake of those few.

Nancy’s testimony also seemed to have little impact. Yet, given time, a few of those closest to her—including her mother—chose to repent and receive Jesus.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Family and friends may be a difficult mission field, but God can use your witness to melt even the hardest hearts.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802