Riding to the Top

Read Psalms 54:1 through 61:8 Hiking the high-altitude volcanoes of Guatemala can leave a novice hiker gasping for air at the side of the trail after just a few minutes. The locals (who are used to the conditions) know this, so they run along with the group, leading horses to ride when a hiker cannot take another step. At first, …

The Answer to Fear

Read Psalms 34:1 through 38:22 Fear plagues most of us to one degree or another. There is healthy fear, of course, a fear of things that could cause us harm. Most of our fears, however, are irrational. People are afraid of many things—other people, being alone, high places, closed-in places, germs, dogs, even water. You name it, and there is …

Don’t Be Duped

Read 1 Corinthians 6:1 through 9:27 Flee from sexual immorality. . . . Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own (1 Corinthians 6:18–19). Sin defeats people because people lack understanding. They become engrossed in a sin, such as gossip, …

The Opening Lines

Read 1 Corinthians 1:1 through 5:13 Members of a writer’s group sat at their normal places. As usual, a debate erupted. One participant had read his new story to the group. They all loved it, but each person wanted a different opening. They felt the beginning was dull. They wanted drama, conflict, action. So, the group discussed various openings to …