The Choice

Read Isaiah 5:1 through 8:22 The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread (Isaiah 8:13). Of all human fears, the fear of man is one of the greatest. The fear of man means being more concerned about what others think …

Who Is to Blame?

Read Obadiah 1:1–21; Jonah 1:1 through 4:11 Heaving waves! Surging seas! Such a terrible storm! Yet, as they dealt with it, the sailors on Jonah’s ship were sure the storm was caused by a vindictive god punishing someone on board. So who was it? Casting lots revealed the culprit, and it was Jonah! He answered, “I am a Hebrew and …

The Gospel Team

Read Philippians 1:1 through 4:23 It is great to be on a winning team. There’s nothing like working together with a group of people to accomplish more than we could as individuals. TEAM is a common acronym for Together Everyone Accomplishes More. Paul was thankful for his “team” at Philippi. I thank my God every time I remember you . …

The Big Why

Read Ecclesiastes 1:1 through 3:8; 1 Corinthians 15:1–28 What happens when a person seeks wisdom and understanding and finds only confusion and futility? Ask King Solomon. He determined to study and explore everything on earth. He wanted to answer the ultimate question—the why of everything. I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them …