Not So Random

Read 2 Samuel 8:15 through 10:19 “Is there no one still left of the house of Saul whom I can show God’s kindness?” (2 Samuel 9:3) Most of us can agree that showing random acts of kindness is a good idea. But have you ever considered that it might also be a “God” idea? This verse indicates that when King …

Sad End for a Sorry King

Read  1 Samuel 27:1 through 31:13 Edwin dreaded going to his sister Sarah’s middle school orchestra concerts. Sarah was a good enough violinist; it was everyone else whose squawks offended Edwin’s perfect pitch. The spring concert was no exception. Though it started out promisingly, with Sarah playing the first solo, the evening sank to Edwin’s expectations. At last, the concert …

Keep on Crying

Read  Mark 10:32 through 13:37 Bartimaeus sat beside a roadside begging for the money he needed to cover his daily expenses. He was blind and likely had no other means of support, but that changed one day when he heard that Jesus was going to be passing by. Bartimaeus began yelling for Jesus to help him. Some people, perhaps embarrassed …

A Sign from God

Read  Mark 7:24 through 8:13 Imagine a group of college professors and students sitting in a classroom debating God’s existence. Research tells us that today’s college students may be among the most spiritual in recent history. They do not, however, necessarily believe in a sovereign Creator whose only Son died for our sins. Their spirituality is much more open to …

The Living Judge

Read Judges 1:1 through 3:31 With the flick of a button, television can deliver negative images into homes. Commercials and programming during prime time are filled with sex and violence. Both are said to sell products and lure viewers. The Internet exposes users to a wealth of knowledge and information. Unfortunately, some use the Internet to prey on unsuspecting minds. Pornography …