Consumer or Caretaker?

Read Ezekiel 34:1 through 36:38

Years ago, nearly every family had at least one animal. A trader might have a camel. A merchant might have a donkey. A farmer might have an ox to plow, a goat for milk, and a few sheep for wool and meat. Some people herded large flocks, but nothing on a modern scale.

Today, global food companies erect massive barns, use growth hormones, and process meat in factories more like automobile plants than the farms of old. Consumers who want better food must pay more for organic or find a local source. We have gone from raising our food to merely consuming it.

People are even more deserving of care than animals, and yet people “consume” each other. We make friends for what we can get. We use each other.

“You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock” (Ezekiel 34:3).

Be a caretaker, not a consumer. Bring back the straying. Protect the defenseless. Bind up the hurting. God has called us to care for people and lead them to Him.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Who has God put in your care? Watch over them well.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802