Read 箴 Proverbs 27:11 through 29:27 He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty (Proverbs 28:19). In the agricultural society of King Solomon’s day, successful farming was strenuous work. Workdays began early and ran late. Famine was a constant challenge that forced these people to work their …
Enough for Everyone
Read 詩 Psalms 143:1 through 150:6 As a teenager, Elizabeth took her first flight on a jet. As the plane ascended, she gazed down on her city in awe at a multitude of homes and other buildings. This must be earth as God sees it, she thought. Elizabeth wondered how many thousands of people within those buildings were at that …
No Condemnation
Read 羅 Romans 5:1 through 8:39 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Laura had Romans 8:1 taped everywhere around her house. Although a Christian since childhood, she struggled with a legalistic upbringing that taught her she had to earn any forgiveness she got. Now an adult, she worried that she could …
Judgment and Rejoicing
Read 林後 2 Corinthians 5:1 through 9:15 We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10). When believers stand before the Lord and our works are judged, we will be rewarded according to our motives …
I Can’t, but God Can!
Read 林後 2 Corinthians 3:1–18 When you face an impossible situation, do you think it’s the end of the road or just a bend? God often asks you to do things that seem to be impossible. A God-given task stretches you beyond your perceived limitations. It may appear risky, but He wants to show you what He can do if …
Waiting in Expectation
Read Psalms 4:1 through 6:10 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation (Psalm 5:3). A seamstress knows the importance of a hem. Without it, the most beautiful piece of cloth, if it is prone to raveling, would be ruined. Is there anyone who has not …
Read Job 21:1 through 24:25 “This is too hard,” complained Jason as he slammed his schoolbooks closed. “I hate studying for tests. I’ll be so glad when I graduate and there are no more tests.” Have you discovered that learning and testing did not end with your diploma or degree? God teaches us lessons every day. We may think we …
Taking Action
Read Esther 8:1 through 10:3 “Nothing good ever happens to me,” lamented Fred. “I can’t believe how God blesses everyone else but me. I don’t rush things and I try to be patient, but God seems to ignore me.” Many times, God’s answer may be to wait on Him and His timing. But other times, we are called to take …
No Compromise
Read Ezra 9:1 through 10:44 Today more than ever before the Bible is being questioned. Many argue that its truths are no longer relevant in our postmodern society that believes there are no absolutes. A growing “pick and choose” mentality has even invaded some churches. How are we to respond? When Ezra arrived in Jerusalem, the leaders came to him …
Rebellion or Repentance
Read 代下 2 Chronicles 32:1 through 33:25 How do you react to adversity? Can you think of a time when hardship or suffering changed your life for the better? How should you react to adversity? It is easy to let hardship make us bitter, especially if that hardship or suffering touches our deepest needs or comes to someone we deeply …