Working Together

Read Exodus 15:1 through 17:16: Matthew 16:1–20

In small, rural churches many of the members have more than one job to do. The positions differ, but each is important for a church to function smoothly.

The same was true for Moses, Joshua, and the other leaders. Each one had regular duties but sometimes had to take on other tasks.

As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning (Exodus 17:11).

That’s when Aaron and Hur stepped in to do their part. They placed a stone under Moses so he could sit. Then they stood on each side of Moses and raised his hands high. Joshua, the army, Moses, Aaron, and Hur all worked together according to God’s plan, and, with God’s help, the battle was won.

Christians must remember that when they use the gifts and abilities God has given them, He will bless their efforts. No job is too large or too small when God is the one calling for action.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: God uses those who are willing and obedient.

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