Read Acts 9:1 through 10:48
Consider the life of the apostle Paul before his missionary journeys, his zeal for the gospel, and his devotion to Christ. Think of him when he poured himself not into sharing Christ but into extinguishing His memory.
What about the centurion Cornelius? Forget that he was a God-fearing man ripe for the gospel. Think of him as a Roman officer in Caesarea, the headquarters of the Roman occupation of Israel.
God had to use visions to prepare both Ananias and Peter to witness. He also used visions to prepare Paul and Cornelius to receive the gospel. They would have seemed the unlikeliest of converts!
The Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles” (Acts 9:15).
Those you consider the unlikeliest of converts may be having their hearts prepared for the gospel. And God may be preparing you as well . . . to be His witness.
PRAYER SUGGESTION: Holy Spirit, help me to be ready to share Christ with those You are preparing.
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