A Renewal of Strength

Read  Isaiah 40:1 through 43:28

Isaiah was facing a discouraged, weak, and powerless nation, which felt completely out of control. He knew they had brought it on themselves, as they had failed to pray and seek the Lord. But he also knew Jehovah was compassionate, longing to help His chosen people. So he reminded this hurting, depressed nation, which hardly had strength to go on, that

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (Isaiah 40:29).

In New York City, at the entrance to the RCA Building on Fifth Avenue, is a gigantic statue of Atlas, a beautifully proportioned man who is holding the world upon his shoulders, with all his muscles straining. Even as a powerfully built man, he can hardly stand under his burden. On the opposite side of the avenue is Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, with a little shrine of the boy Jesus, who with no effort is holding the world in one hand.

Are you straining under an impossible burden, feeling like your strength will give way if anything is added to your load? You need only to wait before God each day, and He will renew your strength and carry your load.


Instead of carrying the world on our shoulders, say, “Lord, I give my world to you to hold.”

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802