He Watches Our Steps

Read Psalms 120:1 through 125:5

It was the day James had been awaiting for weeks. He finally had a Saturday free to hike a local mountain, and as the sun began to dawn, all signs pointed to a perfect autumn day. As the day wore on and he stopped occasionally for a drink or some food and a view of the ever distant valley below, he became fully relaxed and felt such a warm happiness. He was at his favorite place and doing his favorite thing.

By midafternoon, he finally reached the peak he had been striving for. As he looked out onto the sunny valley and hills below and felt the crisp autumn air against his cheeks, he was reminded of a line from Psalm 121:3, “He will not let your foot slip.” He thought how God had watched every step he had taken and kept Him safe from an accident or fall on the mountain. That meant more to him than the day or hike or beautiful view. He bowed his head and thanked the Lord for His care.

It is a great comfort for all of us to remember that God is our ever-present help and watches over our every step, “both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:8).


Praise the Lord for watching over all your steps—those you have taken and those that you will take in the future.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802