Prayer is the Key

Read Jeremiah 33:1 through 35:19 This is what the Lord says . . . “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:2,3). The Lord offered to field Jeremiah’s questions and then promised to provide Jeremiah with insight no human could hope to attain on his own. Imagine …

Perfect Timing

Read John 7:1 through 11:53 In the center ring was a massive steel cage, a perfect sphere. The ringmaster cried for the attention of the crowd, and introduced the riders of six motorcycles that moved across the floor and into the belly of the sphere. At the ringmaster’s final yell, the cyclists launched themselves into orbit within the ball, first …

It’s Not Fair!

Read Jeremiah 12:1 through 14:22 You are always righteous, O Lord, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease? (Jeremiah 12:1). Life can seem so unfair. A good person gets sick and dies young, while someone …

The Trust Factor

Read Nahum 1:1 through 3:19 The feeling of trust is lacking among many today. Parents abandon their children. Many marriages end in divorce. Workers cheat their bosses, and bosses lie to their employees. It is no wonder that trust is often difficult. The world around us teaches us we have to look out for ourselves, because no one else can …

The God of Compassion

Read Isaiah 49:1 through 52:12 Who has not known deep loneliness, or soul-rending sorrow, or the kind of rejection that shatters the heart? Some have an unfaithful spouse. Others go through a devastating illness. Still others have a wayward child who never calls home. When hope evaporates, when heartache engulfs you, when you doubt that God even knows your address, …

Rested and Ready

Read Isaiah 40:1 through 43:28 Have you ever been so physically tired and worn out that you thought you’d never be rested again? Have you ever been so weary that you simply couldn’t sleep? How have lack of physical rest and the loss of physical strength affected your spiritual life? Throughout the Bible, right up to Jesus’ call to those …


Read Hebrews 10:19 through 12:29 A Christian counselor in a drug recovery program for women was attempting to encourage a resident who was ready to give up. The resident missed her family, and felt the recovery process was too long and difficult. The counselor encouraged her by reminding her of the importance of not giving up, the goals she had …


Read Hebrews 1:1 through 2:18 During the summer of 1944, Allied victories in Europe appeared to herald the end of World War II. By December, with Christmas around the corner, peace on earth seemed within reach. Then Adolf Hitler launched the final great German offensive of the war and hurled his remaining forces against thinly deployed troops along the borders …

Matter of the Heart

Read Amos 5:1 through 9:15 Kim and her sister Anne lacked for little, physically speaking. Since their parent’s divorce 7 years prior, their mom and dad seemed to be almost in competition—seeing who could win the girls’ affection by outgiving the other. While this tactic left the girls’ closets full, it unfortunately left their hearts in a much different state. …

The Good Old Days

Read Ecclesiastes 5:1 through 7:29 Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions (Ecclesiastes 7:10). “The Good Old Days.” “Golden Oldies.” “Things were better back then.” These expressions frequently find their way to the lips of well-meaning people. Rarely satisfied by their life situations, humans have a tendency …