The Living Judge

Read Judges 1:1 through 3:31 With the flick of a button, television can deliver negative images into homes. Commercials and programming during prime time are filled with sex and violence. Both are said to sell products and lure viewers. The Internet exposes users to a wealth of knowledge and information. Unfortunately, some use the Internet to prey on unsuspecting minds. Pornography …

Asking for the Impossible

Read Joshua 9:1 through 10:43 Marvin, a new Christian, stood by the door of the city mission hoping for the arrival of several old friends who took drugs with him until the day he accepted Christ. Marvin thought it would be impossible to get them to attend a service at the mission. But Lucas, a mission worker who was discipling …

Multiplication by Division

Read Deuteronomy 26:1 through 27:26 The secret to the growth of living organisms is multiplication by division. This principle works in the financial realm also. Investors must give up a portion of their money to gain more. God’s law of financial growth is the tithe. When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third …

Hold That Thought

Read Deuteronomy 1:1 through 4:49 Does my cell phone cause cancer? Will I be the victim of identify theft? What will be the global impact of rising levels of carbon dioxide? What are my chances of contracting bird flu? How contagious is HIV? Will we experience a worldwide nuclear war? These questions and hundreds more, whether or not they represent …

Too Simple?

Read Numbers 20:1 through 24:25 At Vienna General Hospital in the mid 1800s, about 12 percent of new mothers died from puerperal fever. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis observed that the doctors were spreading the disease by not properly cleaning their hands. He began a system of hand washing that drastically cut the death rate. Prominent physicians opposed Semmelweis’ ideas, claiming his …

No Favorites

Read  Acts 10:24–48 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right” (Acts 10:34,35). “Mom always liked you best” was the cry of one brother to his younger brother in a famous comedy act. Sometimes we may …

Light from the Old Testament

Read  Leviticus 23:1 through 27:34 Margie was sharing the gospel with Joanie, young woman who professed a cultic religion. Joanie stopped Margie with a question: “Christians say the Jews are God’s chosen people. What does that mean?” While Margie knew about Jesus’ life, she lacked knowledge of the Old Testament, so Joanie ended the conversation. “‘I will look on you …

Hide and Go Seek

Read  Matthew 28:1–20 What concerns you about sharing your salvation story? Maybe you’re afraid of how people will respond. Perhaps you won’t be able to find the right words. Or possibly you feel you won’t be able to answer questions. No matter your personal reservations, be comforted knowing that Jesus not only gave the command to go, but also explained …

Weak but Willing

Read  Matthew 26:3 through 27:66 Peter is perhaps the most well-known apostle of Christ, notorious for his impulsiveness, hasty words, and bold character. He audaciously declared he would go “to prison and to death” with Christ, only to deny Him later that day. Peter also impetuously cut an ear off one of the high priest’s servants when Jesus was arrested. …

Self-Made Idols

Read  Exodus 19:1 through 24:18 An alarming trend is occurring among a high number of American workers. It is becoming more common for workers to work well over the standard forty-hour workweek. Some workers average between sixty and seventy hours a week at their jobs. Sometimes workers spent so much time at the job, they make the mistake of identifying …