Brighten Your Corner

Read 2 Samuel 19:1 through 20:26

Now go out and encourage your men. I swear by the Lord that if you don’t go out, not a man will be left with you by nightfall. This will be worse for you than all the calamities that have come upon you from your youth till now (2 Samuel 19:7).

King David had reason to be upset. His son had just been killed. Yet here Joab is telling King David to move past his grief to encourage the men who had fought for him.

Even when not faced with tragedy, it’s easy to get discouraged, especially when things aren’t going our way or when something happens to someone we care about. It’s easy to dwell on the negative rather than on the positive things that are happening in our lives.

For better or worse, our attitudes affect the people around us—family, friends, coworkers, even the people we meet in the grocery store. Take advantage of the opportunity to brighten someone’s day. Find ways to praise those around you. Thank them for their contributions and help.

Challenge for Today:

Next time you face a discouraging situation or a disappointment, decide to focus on the positive and to be encouraging.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802