Read Acts 1:1 through 3:26 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers (Acts 1:14). Jesus told His followers to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit’s power, they could never follow Jesus’ command to reach the world with the gospel message. While they …
God’s Solution
Read Exodus 28:1 through 30:10; Matthew 19:13–30 “What am I going to do about this?” is a good question. It is asked at the onset of a problem and sometimes at the end of exploring all the options. But have all possible solutions been explored? Jesus’ disciples came to that point when they asked, “Who then can be saved?” When …
Working Together
Read Exodus 15:1 through 17:16: Matthew 16:1–20 In small, rural churches many of the members have more than one job to do. The positions differ, but each is important for a church to function smoothly. The same was true for Moses, Joshua, and the other leaders. Each one had regular duties but sometimes had to take on other tasks. As …
The Joy of Following
Read Matthew 15:1 through 17:27 Tom and his wife, Roberta, asked the agency for a healthy child when they applied for an international adoption. Instead, the young pastor and his wife received a son who had severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Their marriage struggled under the strain of constantly caring for Jacob, but they learned patience. God used that struggle …
Heart Sanitizer
Read Matthew 13:54 through 16:28 A 2007 study found that more women than men wash hands after using the bathroom. Researchers came to this conclusion after standing around in public restrooms and watching to see who washed and who walked out the door without stopping at the sinks. What the experts plan to do with this information is anyone’s guess, …
Right With God
Read Genesis 15:1 through 17:27 How does a person become right in God’s sight? This question has concerned people since the beginning of time. In some cultures people make animal sacrifices, burn incense, or turn prayer wheels in an effort to gain God’s favor. Others assume church attendance, doing good deeds, or saying prayers places them in good standing with …
An End and a Beginning
Read Revelation 19:1 through 22:21 Why do people hold back their tears? Is crying a symbol of weakness? Can crying help people? Actually, shedding a few tears can be good for a person. Hiding the emotions and refusing to release them isn’t the best approach. It is common, though. Most people, when honest, will tell you that they know …
To Him Be The Praise!
Read Revelation 15:1 through 16:21 “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the ages. Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy” (Revelation 15:4–5). These words, penned almost two thousand years ago, still stir the heart today. The truth they …
Incense Before the Throne
Read Micah 6:1 through 7:20; Revelation 8:1–13 Revelation 8 is sobering. It’s interesting that John records a substantial pause in heaven—after the seal is opened but before the events begin. Was the pause consideration for the calamity ahead? Was the silence worship for God who could orchestrate this? We don’t know. But this is a link in the chain of …
Consumer or Caretaker?
Read Ezekiel 34:1 through 36:38 Years ago, nearly every family had at least one animal. A trader might have a camel. A merchant might have a donkey. A farmer might have an ox to plow, a goat for milk, and a few sheep for wool and meat. Some people herded large flocks, but nothing on a modern scale. Today, global …