
Read Exodus 35:1 through 40:38

Sharon didn’t think she could make a difference in her culture. She hoped to obey God and influence others to believe in His love. But she had no desire to preach, nor the talent to do so. Sharon, thinking that was what those “called by God” had to do, assumed she couldn’t make much of a difference. Sharon’s talent was drawing.

Then, during a small-group Bible study in New York City, Sharon heard the teacher talk about this verse:

“He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills” (Exodus 35:31).

She suddenly realized she had a skill. Not from a pulpit, but with paint in her hands and creative thoughts in her mind. Five years later, she began leading an art show displaying Christ’s love and biblical truth to a culture interested because of the arts.

God calls His people to use their skills. The world is watching and waiting for that to happen.

Prayer Suggestion:

Dear God, Help me realize again Your calling in my life. Help me be the artist You’re designing me to be.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri, 65802