Read Genesis 15:1 through 17:27
How does a person become right in God’s sight? This question has concerned people since the beginning of time. In some cultures people make animal sacrifices, burn incense, or turn prayer wheels in an effort to gain God’s favor. Others assume church attendance, doing good deeds, or saying prayers places them in good standing with the Almighty. Abram demonstrated faith in God by moving from Ur. But this action did not justify him before the Lord. Abram’s actions did not make him right in God’s eyes. Instead, it was Abram’s faith that mattered.
Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6).
Before he had an outward sign, before he had one offspring, Abram believed God would make of his descendants a great nation.
The Bible is clear: nothing we do will put us in right relationship God. Human righteousness will not stand up to God’s standard. Only a belief in the sinless Son of God will make a person right before God.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Biblical righteousness begins and ends with Jesus.
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