You Can’t Fool God

Read  Isaiah 1:1 through 5:30

Everyone has played charades. One player acts out a word or phrase silently, and the other players attempt to guess the term. This can be a fun game—as long as we don’t play it with God. Many people put on a show for God, going through the motions with no intent of living genuinely for Him. God reacted to individuals like this in Isaiah 1:13:

“Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me.”

Judah tried to play charades with God, but it didn’t work. He saw right through their hypocritical acts of worship. Their hands were busy with good works, but their hearts were far from God. Outwardly, Judah seemed prosperous and even religious. But God saw ritual without righteousness; corruption instead of consecration; outward show but no inward devotion to Him.

God’s remedy was twofold. Make a decisive break with evil, and replace evil actions with right ones. The people of Judah were to do justly, love mercy, and walk with God in daily fellowship.


Give yourself a spiritual checkup today. Ask, “Am I allowing religious acts to substitute for a close relationship with God?”

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802