Conditioned to Fear

Read Psalms 45:1 through 47:9 Tillie, a little brown-and-white dog is terrified of thunder. A series of storms rattled the windowpanes. Sunday through Saturday, it was the same every day. After a week of this, Tillie expected thunder every time it rained. The following Monday a light shower pattered gently against the windowpanes. Trembling, Tillie huddled close to her master, …

Live in Hope

Read Ecclesiastes 3:9-5:20; 1 Corinthians 15:29-58 Whether he was Solomon or some other poor soul, the world-weary writer of Ecclesiastes does not seem to be a cheery fellow. He seems like a guy who would make a gloomy day gloomier. The writer of Ecclesiastes was not necessarily a bore. His book simply reflects the extent of hope one had on …

I Need Help

Read Psalm 11:1 through 18:50 Many of the Psalms are full of praise to God. We sometimes visualize David as peacefully strumming a harp as he quietly watches a flock of sheep grazing on a grassy slope. Psalm 13 presents a different picture. David apparently had doubts, troubling thoughts, and enemies. Things did not always go well for him. In …

The Opening Lines

Read 1 Corinthians 1:1 through 5:13 Members of a writer’s group sat at their normal places. As usual, a debate erupted. One participant had read his new story to the group. They all loved it, but each person wanted a different opening. They felt the beginning was dull. They wanted drama, conflict, action. So, the group discussed various openings to …