Leaving a Mark

Read Job 1:1 through 2:13; John 21:10-25 “I told you I was ill.” That amusing epitaph marks the grave of British comedian Spike Milligan. The gravestone of Martin Luther King Jr. features a line from his 1963 speech in Washington, DC: “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty I’m free at last.” The inscription on William Shakespeare’s monument …

Blessed, Not Lucky

Read Esther 1:1 through 2:23 In the summer of 2002, Craig DeMartino nearly died when he fell 100 feet to the ground while rock climbing. But God was working to preserve his life. DeMartino’s climbing partner didn’t usually carry a phone since he couldn’t get a signal in the wilderness. That day, however, he did have a phone – and …

Clean Up the House

Read 2 Chronicles 27:1 through 29:36 John asked Jesus into his heart about a year ago and began attending the youth group meetings on Tuesdays. On the way home one night, something started nagging at his heart. Funny, he had never really thought about it before, but certain movies and music in his collection were not all that edifying. The …

Guaranteed to Grow!

Read Luke 12:1 through 13:35 Have you ever been frustrated because you’ve shared God’s Word, talked with a person about Christ, and prayed fervently that he or she would come to Christ or grow spiritually – and nothing seemed to happen? [Jesus] asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took …

Excellent Worship

Read  1 Chronicles 24:1 through 26:32 God identified David as a man after the Lord’s own heart. David deeply valued worship. As a musician himself, David understood the power of music to touch human emotions, intimately connecting the people with their God. So, the king personally supervised the official integration of music into temple worship. All these men were under …