God Prepares Leaders

Read Deuteronomy 32:1 through 34:12 God is faithful to provide His people with pastors and other leaders. The people He raises into leadership enter the experience in a variety of ways. Some individuals sense the Lord calling them into His service from a very young age. This becomes a goal toward which they aim their education and career path. Others …

Time to Testify

Read Acts 22:1 through 24:27 Kevin bowed his head to give thanks for his meal. Taking notice, his coworker Jerry began asking questions about Kevin’s faith in Christ. After work, they continued to talk, and Kevin introduced Jerry to Christ. Jerry excitedly invited Kevin for dinner so Kevin could share Jesus with rest of Jerry’s family. The following night the …

Pick Me Up!

Read Deuteronomy 1:1 through 2:37 Little children love to be picked up and held close. One of the first words Janet’s two daughters learned was “up.” When she was washing dishes when they were toddlers, they would clutch her leg, waiting until she was finished so that she could pick them up again. Both of these daughters (now grown) have …

Focus on God

Read Numbers 14:1 through 15:41; Mark 2:1–22 The Israelites experienced God’s power and presence more deeply than any other ancient people. They witnessed incredible miracles firsthand when they were freed from slavery in Egypt. They had daily evidence of His presence over the tabernacle as they moved toward the Promised Land. When their complaints and expressions of anger escalated, God …

Be Blessed

Read Numbers 5:1 through 6:27 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24–26). Through Aaron and his sons, God invoked a blessing for the people of Israel. His blessings included His presence, protection, and peace. …

Valued Resource

Read Leviticus 18:1 through 20:27; Matthew 26:6–30 Gloria, a retiree, met Rosalie, a recent college graduate. When Rosalie mentioned where she lived, Gloria began to relate her experiences living in that city. Gloria continued to talk about her past career, not sure if the young woman would be interested. To Gloria’s surprise, Rosalie listened and asked questions. Gloria felt she …


Read Leviticus 8:1 through 10:20 What does it take to approach God? Is it good intentions? Or a proper effort through some sort of trial and error? Nadab and Abihu discovered that disobedience can be deadly. Moses then said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord spoke of when he said: ‘Among those who approach me I will be proved …

He Hears and Cares

Read Exodus 1:1 through 3:10; Matthew 13:24–26   The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob (Exodus 2:23–24).   Joseph saved Egypt from famine and death. He should have been …

Dreams Fulfilled

Read Genesis 42:1 through 44:34   While a child, Cathy announced, “God wants me to be a missionary in China.” As she grew up, Cathy was blessed with her family’s encouragement. After she completed her college degree, she worked in accounting and researched entry options. Finally, she found the perfect missions organization. Twenty years to the month later, Cathy departed for …

Bearing Fruit

Read Genesis 22:20 through 24:67; Matthew 7:1–20   A gnarled, old tree growing in the front yard of a house appeared worthless. The owners thought the tree was a fruitless species and planned to cut it down. Then, one spring, beautiful pink blossoms appeared on the branches of the tree. Soon it was covered in fruit—big, golden peaches. The owners …